
HowLong to Stain a Deck After Pressure Washing

Pressure washing involves water and other fluids, sometimes these are eco-friendly chemicals while most of the times it is some sort of soap and detergent, so for any surface which is pressure washed it requires a certain amount of time before it can be stained, in perfect drying conditions it is said that a window of 48 hours is enough for a wooden deck to be completely dried, deck is the only surface which requires this much amount of time because the wood has to be dried thoroughly before staining, you are running the risk of wasting time and material if you stain the wood in wet or damp state.

You’ll be using a jet wash when pressure washing and apply pressure on stains and dirt which have become solid, so there is every chance that the wood will absorb excessive water and you need to give it adequate time to dry, the given forty hour rule is applied where the drying conditions are perfect but I think it is being pushed a little too much and one should wait more and be patient before staining wet wood, it is better to double that given time and wait for about seventy hours at least before staining wet wood.

There are a couple of ways to check whether the wood is dry enough to get stained after a pressure wash, you can use moisture meter on a number of spots and check whether readings are 12% to 15% as these are perfect for staining, otherwise you can wait for a couple of days and be absolutely sure that the deck has dried,Houston pressure washing companies which care for its customers like Vipertech always advise their customers about the situation and not just focus on what money they’ll make out of it.